Intermediate exercise 2
- Gapfill
- Answers
How did I learn Arabic?
Well I suppose I started by learning the alphabet. I learned it just the same way that the Arabs do. I think of it pictures. You know each letter is a picture. So, I just see a letter and write it and repeat it and repeat it across the page. That’s how I learned it
I was told by someone that to learn an Arabic word the thing to do was to the word and try to see it in your head. see the letters written across the inside of your forehead. That way you get an idea of what the word . And it will automatically come to you.
It is not the only way to remember things but I’m a visual learner. I suppose for some people they like to hear or to touch things and that’s how they learn but for me I just need to see it.
Of course I do need to hear things, but that having a visual idea of what the words physically look like means I learn much better.
The next thing I did was to try to learn five words every day. Well that’s not quite true, what I’d do is go into a room , say the kitchen and find the words for 5 things in the kitchen and then try to learn them.
I’d write the word on a post-it note and there to remind me in the future and then I would try to use the words during the day. It wasn’t always to do. I mean there are not many chances in normal conversation to say something like dishwasher, or potato peeler. and my friends did look at me strangely when I said things just to practice using the word
Over time I developed a good vocabulary this way. The was my grammar was still terrible!
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